CleanTech’s Environmental and Social Policy Statement
CleanTech’s Environmental and Social (E&S) Policies are the foundation of our ESMS. Through our initiatives, CleanTech aims to:
- “Do no harm” to people and the environment;
- Enhance the sustainability of our operations; and
- Achieve positive development outcomes.
We advocate for, and educate our partners about, the importance of renewable energy. We have made it our mission to empower local communities by providing the sufficient information and opportunities that would enable them to save on the cost of energy, while simultaneously providing a more environmentally friendly alternative for power.
We believe that an important component of achieving positive development outcomes is the E&S sustainability of these activities. To achieve this goal, CleanTech is guided by its Environmental and Social Policies:
General E&S Policy
- Invest in renewable energy projects that will improve people’s lives and the communities in which they live;
- Ensure that these investments comply with national regulations and, where applicable, with the IFC Performance Standards for Environmental and Social Sustainability, dated January 2012; and
- Through an environmentally and socially sustainable investment approach, improve and enhance the financial, reputational, and sustainability value of our Company.
Resource Efficiency
- We will take feasible and cost-effective measures to improve efficiency in our consumption of energy, water, and other important input materials.
- We will seek to reduce our Green House Gas (GHG) emissions when feasible & cost-effective.
Pollution Prevention
- We will avoid or minimize and control as much as possible the release of emissions and pollutants to air, water, and land from routine, non-routine, and accidental circumstances.
- We will avoid or minimize and control as much as possible the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste from routine, non-routine and accidental circumstances.
Labor Health and Safety
- We will provide safe and healthy working conditions for our employees and contracted laborers.
Labor and Working Conditions
- We will have documented policies and procedures related to our labor standards code, in keeping with international standards and national labor law.
- We will inform workers of their rights under our code as well as national labor and employment law.
- We will not tolerate any form of discrimination or abuse including as related to sexual harassment, race, and religious beliefs, including in the recruitment process and at the workplace.
- We will not tolerate alcohol, smoking, or drugs at the workplace.
- We will provide supportive working conditions and terms of employment, in line with the Applicable Standards.
- We will comply with national laws that recognize workers’ rights to form and to join workers’ organizations, and not discriminate against those workers that choose to organize.
- We will establish a transparent process for workers to express concerns and file grievances, including anonymous complaints, and address any grievances appropriately.
- We will ensure our employees receive the required training to undertake their jobs and will support our employees to improve their knowledge skills and capacities.
- We will not employ workers under the minimum age for employment as defined by national law and will not employ forced labor.
- We will extend our labor standards performance policies and procedures to our contractors hired directly or through employment agencies.
- We will make best efforts to employ people from local communities for our Projects.
Local Communities
- We will engage and consult with local community stakeholders to ensure we are aware of important issues and potential concerns.
- We will avoid or mitigate any negative or risks on local communities that might be affected by our activities.
- We will support opportunities to have positive impacts on local communities as far as practical.
- We will avoid, minimize, mitigate and offset as much as possible potential negative impacts to priority ecosystem services by project activities.